"Anxiety" Mayo 2015, boceto (Castellano abajo) I open my eyes . I want to scream . Climb the highest peak . Squeeze . Biting . Run to the other side of the world and back. What will happen tomorrow? I sit down , I get up; I sit down again while my restless leg keeps on moving . Something grinds down my chest , I feel my pounding heart wanting to burst and run far away . I shrivel up . I cry. I should get to work . Guilt. I lock myself at home ; then I want to get out and drink the world through my eyes . I tremble . I c lench my jaws. My arms are so heavy. Tiredness gets the best of me ; I fall asleep ... I open my eyes . I want to scream ... ======================= Abro los ojos. Quiero gritar. Subir al pico más alto . Apretar. Morder. Correr al otro extremo del mundo y después volver. ¿Que pasará mañana? Me siento, me levanto; me vuelvo a sen...
Freelance Illustrator