[ESP] Ya ha salido a la venta el juego de cartas "Ylandyss" , en el que he participado como ilustradora, publicado de la mano de DMZ Fué lanzado simultaneamente junto a su otra novedad "Versailles"; y ambos están en inglés y español.
[ENG] The "Ylandyss" card game is now out. I participated as illustrator in this game, which has been published by DMZ. It was released at the same time as their other new game, "Versailles", and both of them come in dual english/spanish.
[ENG] The "Ylandyss" card game is now out. I participated as illustrator in this game, which has been published by DMZ. It was released at the same time as their other new game, "Versailles", and both of them come in dual english/spanish.